Author Archives: Shykia

My Kindle Promotion Results – Thank You!

During our most challenging struggles it can seem like no one is there to help us. The loneliness seems to intensify when one carries much responsibility on their shoulders. What I learned is that support was always there when I … Continue reading

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My Leap Day gift to you!

Hi Friends! In honor of Leap Day, the Kindle edition of my sci-fi/fantasy novel, CAMILEON: Beyond The Veil, is now available FREE on Amazon through midnight tomorrow, March 1st! Click here to snag your copy. Here’s a brief description: “Follow your heart, … Continue reading

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Review: A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard

When I first read the news of Jaycee Dugard’s remarkable liberation from her eighteen year captivity, several things went through my mind. I was happy for her and her family, but it was a bittersweet joy as I was left … Continue reading

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There’s No Telling When You’ll Fall

The heart isn’t sentient. It’s merely an organ that works 24/7, fueling the body with plasma, unaware that the mind superimposes idealistic fantasies of a thing called love upon it. Love. Some revel in its intoxicating delusion, forsaking all logic … Continue reading

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I originally wrote this for my blogger account in February 2010. I believe it still applies. The spirit of Valentine’s Day is a noble one. However, such an outpouring of love and affection should not be reserved for one day … Continue reading

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I originally wrote & posted this for my Blogspot account in March 2010. Five years after my husband, Max, and I got our cat, Bazik (aka Bazilio), we finally came to the point when we could no longer put off having him neutered. … Continue reading

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They’re Here!

My first batch of copies arrived today!           Photos don’t do them justice. They look incredible! Get your copy of CAMILEON: Beyond The Veil from Amazon today! Available in paperback and Kindle editions.

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MISTAKE – Making Incremental Steps Toward Advanced Knowledge & Excellence

No one enjoys making errors. Yet, some are able to handle their missteps better than others. I must admit, I was infected with disease that is perfectionism early on. It festered as I entered environments that were highly demanding and … Continue reading

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Great news for Kindle readers!

For a limited time, you can read CAMILEON: Beyond The Veil on your Kindle for just 99 CENTS!  From now until February 9th, you can begin the adrenaline-inducing journey of a torn woman with an ominous past that threatens more … Continue reading

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Print edition now available!

 Hi Friends! Some of you have been asking when this would happen, so today I’m happy to announce that the paperback edition of CAMILEON: Beyond The Veil is now available on Amazon! I know it’s been a long time coming and I’m very … Continue reading

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