Author Archives: Shykia

Survivors of Cruelty Pt. 1

  After a few years of borderline denial, I’ve decided to come clean. Though my novels are a work of fiction, they are my attempt to gain redemption from the painful choices of my past. In addition, I hoped to … Continue reading

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Reserve That Can of Whoop Ass

  Last week I read an article in the Huffington Post about an author who went WWE on the literary agent who had rejected him. Thankfully, the agent’s loyal dog came to her rescue. Still, the situation has reminded me just how … Continue reading

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Coping with Rejection in the Literary World — Dos and Don’ts

  Rejection is not fatal. I don’t remember where I heard that phrase or who coined it, but the power of those four words resonated with me from the moment I heard them. I agree, rejection isn’t fatal…but it can … Continue reading

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A Special Anniversary Message

Love has a way of finding us when we least expect it and when we need it most. It seeps into the fractured heart and reinforces it with hope, strength and joy. That has certainly been the case for me … Continue reading

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Reading Rainbow: The Next Generation

I came across this fascinating article featuring an interview in which LeVar Burton discussed his brilliant Reading Rainbow app, currently available for the iPad! I was a HUGE fan of the show growing up and it has had a positive influence in … Continue reading

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Harlem Book Fair 2012 – Recap (with photos)

I had a wonderful time at the Harlem Book Fair this past Saturday! I met so many wonderful authors and literary enthusiasts, all of whom inspired me to continue expanding my creativity. My husband and I arrived bright and early … Continue reading

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Harlem Book Fair – Speculative, Paranormal & Science Fiction Panel Discussion

As promised, here’s more information about my upcoming appearance: Shykia Bell will join fellow Speculative, Paranormal, and Science Fiction authors to discuss the evolution of the genres and the ways in which they have, and continue to, prime society for … Continue reading

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Upcoming Appearance – Harlem Book Fair

Hey Friends! I’m happy to announce that I’ll be appearing at this year’s Harlem Book Fair on Saturday, July 21st from 11 AM – 6 PM! Please stop by and visit my table and catch my 12:30 PM panel discussion … Continue reading

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A Short Rest For The Weary

It’s hard to breathe when one becomes engulfed by the hectic routine of seemingly endless obligation. Yet, in some bizarre way we become dependent on the variables that contribute to our inner dissonance. Perhaps it’s a stubborn pursuit of controlling … Continue reading

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Knife Project – Indian Summer (COMPLETED!)

  It is done! My husband’s finest knife to date! This beauty is called Indian Summer. Max was commissioned to design this knife for actor/singer/comedian, Brent Spiner (Star Trek: The Next Generation, Fresh Hell). The project was labor intensive and … Continue reading

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