Category Archives: Blog

The Consequence of Cruelty

With shaky penmanship, Daniel Fitzpatrick vented his frustrations, pain, and ultimate surrender. Then he hung himself. He was only thirteen years old. No parent should ever have to bury their child. Yet, this past Monday, that’s precisely what Daniel’s grieving … Continue reading

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The atrocity in Orlando, Florida has brought forth a question that frequently arises each time evil rears its ugly head. I’ve addressed it in some of my fiction and poetry, but I’m writing it straight out in case it may … Continue reading

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Summer’s Last Dance

The beach clears, the painterly sky darkens, muted pastels fading. The vast ocean crashes into the surf, its waves now too cold for wading. Stragglers linger, some hand-in-hand, and stroll the crumbling boardwalk, Some cuddle close, sheltered from the wind, … Continue reading

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A New Beginning: Welcome to the World, Francesca!

It is with great pride and joy that Max and I announce the arrival of our daughter, Francesca Mildred Bell! She was born at 6:37 PM on Friday, March 20, 2015, which I will forever remember as the day when my … Continue reading

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A Disease as Bad, if not Worse, than Ebola

With all the recent obsessive media coverage about Ebola, many people don’t realize they’ve been infected by a disease of a different sort. It affects a much larger group of people without the need for physical contact and can go … Continue reading

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Hope for the Future

There are several reasons why I’ve been a ghost on social media these days. There has been much that has demanded my attention and focus. Basically, life has thrown a lot my way in the last six months. Among them, … Continue reading

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The Quest For Originality: Motivation for Writers and Artists

  There are no new ideas in the world of writing. Everything has already been done and redone. Now what?! I’ve been hearing this a lot lately. Honestly, I’ve sometimes felt this way myself and wondered how could one achieve … Continue reading

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The Twilight Zone – Most Memorable Episodes

Happy Mother’s Day and Happy Twilight Zone Day! My mother introduced me to this extraordinary series during my childhood. Over the years, many of the episodes have steeped in my mind, forming a richer understanding of the show’s thought-provoking and … Continue reading

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Book Review: My Way to Anywhere by Jean Lisette Brodey

My Way To Anywhere is a brilliant collection of poems written during a time unrushed by the madness of modern technology. It wasn’t written by a woman in pursuit of fast fame, but by Dr. Jean Lisette Brodey, a woman … Continue reading

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When Real Life Interferes With Creativity

 This is an oldie, but goodie originally posted on my former WordPress blog in August 2011. Over the course of the past year or so I’ve experienced an increase of abhorrent behavior on the part of some of my neighbors. … Continue reading

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