Tag Archives: society

The Consequence of Cruelty

With shaky penmanship, Daniel Fitzpatrick vented his frustrations, pain, and ultimate surrender. Then he hung himself. He was only thirteen years old. No parent should ever have to bury their child. Yet, this past Monday, that’s precisely what Daniel’s grieving … Continue reading

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Banned Books Week Highlight: Nineteen Eighty-Four

  Nineteen Eighty-Four is set in a province in Oceania in a time of endless war where widespread government surveillance is commonplace. Society is ruled under a political system known as Ingsoc, or English Socialism enforced by the elite Inner … Continue reading

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Banned Books Week

The written word wields remarkable power. It can shape and sway the minds of readers. So, it’s no surprise that every so often comes a time when the powers that be deems a work of literature too taboo for the … Continue reading

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Remembering a Dream Amid the Sting of Reality

Today, as legions honor the memory of the great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I reflect on how far we’ve come since his societal contributions and how far we have to go. I think it’s safe to say that we’ve … Continue reading

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My Opinion on the Gun Debate

  Watching the back-and-forth exchange of the whole gun debate I cringed upon witnessing how nasty people have been treating one another for simply having conflicting opinions. It’s absurd that so many people have the mentality that “I respect your … Continue reading

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Sci-fi & Cultural Evolution – Part 2

Last week, I left off with a question regarding the setbacks when it came to fairly including black characters in the sci-fi genre. If you missed last week’s post, click here to check it out. Now, for my assessment: When I … Continue reading

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