Author Archives: Shykia

Interview and Kindle ebook Giveaway!

Today I’m the featured guest on author Jaidis Shaw’s blog. I thoroughly enjoyed my interview with her. Please stop by and don’t forget to enter for your chance to win one of two Kindle copies of “CAMILEON: Beyond The Veil” … Continue reading

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Barnes & Mo’ — UPDATE

On March 2, 2012, I noticed that my newest novel, CAMILEON: Beyond The Veil appeared incorrectly on the Barnes & Noble (B&N) website. I sent an email request to requesting the following: Correction of the synopsis for CAMILEON: Beyond The Veil (ISBN-13: 9780985044800) … Continue reading

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Brain Child

You lurk behind closed eyes, a vibrant force of creativity. Come forth and roam free, my brain child,   Don’t let my boundaries become your prison. Revel in the vast space of your unrestricted playground. Slide leisurely through my synapses, igniting … Continue reading

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12 Lessons Learned

“I’ll put my heart and soul into my novel, work hard to get an agent, and everything else will fall into place. It won’t be easy, but everyone I know will be rooting for me.” That’s what many aspiring writers think. I was … Continue reading

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Knife: Indian Summer

My husband Max recently completed his finest and most complex knife project to date. The initial concept was sketched out in September 2011 and the final touches were completed over this past weekend. All that’s left for him to do … Continue reading

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Back to the drawing pad…

It’s been awhile since the last time I sketched anything (at least one year), but I recently finished a drawing that marked the end of my hiatus. I hope to produce more sketches and paintings soon—schedule permitting. I look forward … Continue reading

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Fresh Hell – Season Two

Comedy and Tragedy are commonly viewed as the polar extremes that mark life’s ultimate contrast of joy and despair. Although I have more of a flair for writing the dramatic, I have an appreciation for humor and how tricky it … Continue reading

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FREE for 3 Days Only!

Friday the 13th, unlucky? How can that be when you can get this intriguing FREE book to read on your Kindle, computer or mobile device! That’s right. For three days you can download CAMILEON: Beyond The Veil, the intriguing scifi/fantasy adventure … Continue reading

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Brief Update & A Great Review

My schedule has been pretty hectic lately, but I’m finally getting back to planning, plotting and researching for my 3rd and 4th novels. I’ve already accumilated over 100 pages of notes and scenes and I look forward to getting everything finalized … Continue reading

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Important Announcement: Incorrect Info/NOOK files on

At present, there is NO NOOK edition of CAMILEON: Beyond The Veil! The item Barnes & Noble has listed on their website is actually the NOOK edition of my first novel, Camileon (published 2008). Additionally, the product description of CAMILEON: … Continue reading

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