Author Archives: Shykia

CAMILEON: BTV – FREE 5-chapter Sample!

Hey Friends! I hope your week has been awesome. As you may already know, I’ve been hard at work on the print edition of CAMILEON: Beyond The Veil. Today, I signed off on the minor revisions and the files are … Continue reading

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Hot off the press!

The print edition of CAMILEON: Beyond The Veil will soon be available to the public. Today I recieved the proof copy and will be reviewing it over the coming days. So far, there are a few minor adjustments that need … Continue reading

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Cover Photo Runner-ups

These are just two of the dozens of awesome photos that didn’t make the final cut for the cover of CAMILEON: Beyond The Veil. The one we ended up with was actually the result of a last-minute change in direction.

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The journey begins!

Hi friend, I’m excited to announce that CAMILEON: Beyond The Veil has been released for Kindle just in time for the holidays! For a limited time, you can purchase your copy for only $2.99 on Amazon. Thanks for your tireless patience … Continue reading

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Beyond The Veil – The official cover!

I proudly unveil the official cover for CAMILEON: Beyond The Veil! I would like to extend special thanks to all who took part in bringing my vision, and Camile, to life! The cover image is the work of my friend and photo genius, … Continue reading

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Chapter Eight Excerpt: Breaking the Surface

  BREAKING THE SURFACE The fresh scent of the lush grass and caress of the gentle wind was equally as therapeutic as the basic routine Camile was performing. She found that the organic scenery of the meadow worked wonders in … Continue reading

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The big arrival approaches…

I realize an update on the progress of CAMILEON: BEYOND THE VEIL is long overdue. As life sometimes does, it interfered with my well-laid plans and therefore, my novel will launch slightly later than anticipated. But don’t fret, CAMILEON: BEYOND THE … Continue reading

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Chapter Two Excerpt: Intrusion

  INTRUSION She and her parents were less than twenty feet from the entrance when the ground began vibrating slightly beneath her feet. It was an unbroken disruption that led Camile to wonder if it was a sign of an … Continue reading

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CAMILEON: Beyond the Veil – Chapter 3 Excerpt

  FRACTURED It was still relatively dark as they descended. The little light that entered the room was reflected by the convex mirror in the ceiling, casting an eerie glow upon the table beneath it. Upon closer inspection, Camile likened … Continue reading

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Photo shoot: Camileon BTV Book Cover

Last Saturday’s photo shoot was a success! We were blessed with unseasonably warm October weather. It was an outdoor shoot, so the mosquitoes had a field day, but we didn’t let them hinder our progress. Huge thanks to everyone who … Continue reading

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